AdiDizel is EURO DIESEL enriched with latest generation additives. Guaranteed to save you money and protect your car, bus or tractor motor. Use it as a cure for your car, truck, bus or tractor.
Extends the life of engines and prolongs engine oil replacement periods, reduces costs by lowering the average fuel consumption, prevents corrosion and residue formation on injectors.
AdiDizel reduces the contamination of fuel injection systems and fuel foaming, reduces noise and engine friction. Reduces emissions of toxic gases during combustion and preserves the environment.
AdiDizel is the perfect blend of next generation European additives, reliable fuel, modern technology, and Serbian knowledge and work. AdiDizel increases engine power - cetane number and moment of force. It improves combustion, guarantees a better cold start and shorter ignition time of engines.
By using additive enriched diesel fuel, the injector nozzle tip and hole remain clean, which ensures their proper operation.
The condensate is produced in the reservoirs and the fuel supply system in cases of large daily temperature oscillations, especially during fall and spring. Additive enriched diesel fuel improves the separation of water.
The test results for testing the prevention of rust in the presence of sea and distilled water showed that additive enriched diesel provides excellent protection of metal engine parts and the intake system from corrosion.
Reduced foaming of fuel prevents oxidation, and therefore the degradation of diesel fuel which enables a steady operation of diesel fuel pumps. In addition, the manipulation of fuel is faster and easier resulting in complete and faster refueling without spillage. The benefit of additive enriched fuel reflects directly on the pumps.
Lower cetane number values cause delays in the ignition of the air-fuel mixture, which results in incomplete fuel combustion. Additives increase the cetane number by more than 2 which results in a better cold start, less diesel shock, less engine noise, less white smoke and in lower emissions of toxic gases.
retail outlets of AdiDize fuel. The intention is for the customers of our additive enriched diesel fuelto get acquainted with its characteristics and the advantagesthat regular usage guarantees.
retail outlets of AdiDize fuel. The intention is for the customers of our additive enriched diesel fuelto get acquainted with its characteristics and the advantagesthat regular usage guarantees.
U Sremskim Karlovcima je održana prezentacija AdiDizel goriva - aditiviranog evrodizela poslednje generacije. Prof. dr Milan Tomić, profesor Poljoprivrednog fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, održao je predavanje na temu: "Uticaj aditiviranja na karakteristike dizel goriva i performanse motora SUS".
Pogledajte dokument kojim Departman za poljoprivrednu tehniku Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu potvrđuje da AdiDizel poboljšava performanse motora i da može bezbedno da se koristi u savremenim SUS motorima.
U Sremskim Karlovcima je održana promocija AdiDizel goriva - aditiviranog evrodizela poslednje generacije.
Saznajte zašto treba da koristite AdiDizel - aditivirani evrodizel poslednje generacije.
Saznajte kako AdiDizel čisti i štiti motor.
Saznajte kako AdiDizel utiče na vaš motor da deluje mlađe.